

The City of Helsinki will enhance it's operative environment electronic records management process with a new Electronic Records Management Classification System (FI Tiedonohjausjärjestelmä).

In Finland, an ERMCS must comply with the requirements of the SÄHKE2 standard. Municipal process classification system is based on the different city functions. In the ERMCS, a function has default values for publicity/restrictions, retention period and also for process (phase, actions) in addition to metadata values for record objects attached to a process. These kind of information control plans will provide high level process information and should enable better transparency to decision making process.

ERMCS will support decision making systems and other operative systems where electronic records are processed. In practice, this means an open API for all client systems.

Discovery 04-09/2016, Alpha 09-12/2016, Internal Beta 02/2017 -- 12/2017, Public Beta 01/2018 -12/2019

Public UI and API links available (right)
Production environment UI
Content management edit, approval and publishing for organisation users roles.

Approved content published and available in UI and in APIs.
JSON api for UI and JHS 191 XML export for i.e. CMS systems fileplan integration.